Hello! Like always it's great to be read by you, so welcome! In case you're new, let me tell you a few fast things you probably should know about me.
My name is Nancy, I recently entered the second decade of my life, I got married last year with my sweetheart (you'll know him as Amado or Hubby or anything corny I can think of), and I've got a beautiful baby girl (Belle Fille). I'm in college and I'll be there for Quite a while because I believe the first years of a babe are extremely important and it is my privilege/responsability to be there for her. Plus I actually have the chance to do so, so I do. And man am I enjoying my babycakes! Summarizing, I am a wife/mom/student, housewife is also implied.
Wait, did I say housewife?
How did I become... that word?! I didn't sign up for this! Why, why me!? The horror!
Haha just joking. But it did come in the contract, and I signed it anyway.
Seriously though, I used to cringe at the word. Housewife. Brrr! As a young girl and teenager I would dread house chores and when I imagined myself as a grown woman I would only focus on my career; there was never a single broom in sight. Of course I would pay someone to keep my apartment clean as soon as I could afford it. I was well on my way to being a feminist.
Marriage? Pshaw, that could wait until I was like thirty, I had more important things to do. Kids? Sure, someday far, far away in the future. To me a succesful career was to be succesful in life and everything else could wait. (scoff, sooo naive)
At sixteen my Amado and I started dating, became a couple, and a few months later I was deep, way over my head in love with my future husband and all feminism started to ebb away while love letters were at a rise.
As a wife and a mom I've learned that don't really need to prove anything to anyone but myself. And I know me pretty well. I know that I don't need to get burnt out finishing my education quickly because I think my time is better invested on my baby, especially now that she's so young. And that doesn't mean I'm dumb or that I'm not competent enough to finish college. Believe me I'll get that done but it ranks below my family. A childs first years are extremely important and I'm not giving that up just to go to school full time.
You know me, I've talked about this before. I'm partial to the saying "slow and steady wins the race". And I am a definite hard head (in mexican, I'd say "machetito") when I'm sure of what I want, and I know where I'm headed.
And so I'm a housewife. Not a perfect housewife, and I still don't jump up for joy when it comes to washing dishes but I know why I do it and do it gladly. My house isn't impeccable and sometimes I wish I could use disposable dishes instead of washable ones. Heck, sometimes I hate those freaken things! But if it helps my family, bring it on!
PS: I can't promise I won't "accidentally" break a few dishes though x)
IIPS: Shifu is housewife in japanese hoho. Gotta practise somehow!
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