Yipee! After a few not exactly satisfactory quizes at school, I've gotten a bit better, and so, I'll use this as an excuse to describe the different fases I've observed characterize some of my classes.
Stage 1: Off to a Good Start
Freshly showered, so pretty much wide awake. Optimistic but sober. Enter campus strutting ever so slightly because I've got this funky song in my head and am mentally singing it, until I glance at my watch.Drat. I thought I had more time! Pace quickens significantly until correct classroom is reached. Quick glance tells me which chairs are available, but I'll probably choose the nearest one. However, due to short sightedness I developed this dorky habit of sitting front and center during high school. Why I continue this habit is beyond me.
Stage 2: Social Protocol
Slyly check surrondings. Are there friends? Fiends? Strangers? If friends, casual or cheerful conversation will arise. If fiends (I apply the term loosely) I'll pretend to study or doodle in my notebook wondering what the heck I was thinking when I chose that seat. If strangers mood testing evaluation is next. However, before this, have in mind the following variables: Has the teacher arrived? If so, how much time till class actually starts? And especially, do I really feel like talking?
Stage 3: Class
Teacher begins lecture. Consciously focus on paying atention. This feat is easier or harder depending on the subject and the teachers style. For example, a teacher is keen on stamping or hitting the desk to emphasize the main points, which is actually very usefull to drowsy students, whereas I've also been subject to monotonous and unevenful droning that does not help keep you awake at all.
For our purpose, let's say that this particular class isn't very stimulating. And so, the battle begins.
Stage 4: Denial
I begin to feel sleepy. Eyes start to flutter and I have to concentrate on keeping them open. Mind over matter triumphs. That is, until my mind starts to play tricks on me.
Teacher has a twin? And what's up with their dressing up in exactly the same clothes? That's creepy. Hmmm... why is this room so warm? And quiet. Mmm...
I start to nod off. I start a mantra. Don't fall asleep. Do not fall asleep. Don't... fall asleep. Don't... sleep. Don'... sleep. Sleep. Sleep? Sleeeeeeep...

Stage 5: The Comeback
OK I'm falling asleep, gotta do something about it before the teacher looks my way, I aint 'xactley sutil here
Pinch. Ow! It sort of worked but is totally temporary. Also, since my tolerance for pain is pretty high, I've got to pinch really hard for it to actually hurt and I don't want to explain the marks on my arm at home. So what doesn't leave evidence? Hmmm...
I start to pull my hair. First lightly, and end up yanking. That did the trick! Unfortunetely, it also drew attention, and a friend is currently laughing at me.Oh well.
Wait a minute. Didn't I buy coffee candy the other day in preparation for today? Where the heck is it!?
Stage 6: The End
Now that I am succesfully awake, class is actually very interesting. Geopolitics. And suddenly, class is over. Dang! What I miss? I write down the homework, pack my stuff up and walk out the door.
If I'm lucky I bump into a friend or two emerging from their respective classes and savor a few minutes of refreshing comradeship. If I need to, I go to the library.
If not, I go straight to where Belle Fille is, thinking of her and of food. And probably about how freakin' hot it is.
How was school today? Great. Really great.
Hey ur just like me then, a boring class leaves me worn out and sleepy.....only one difference between you and me is that you do things to stay awake....i fight till the end and when i know it is hopeless i adopt a "hide face from teacher" position and totally space out for a while.....once i slept for 30 minutes in a class without the teacher even noticing.....(i hope) ... hahaha
ResponderEliminarThen you should give me a few pointers 'cuz I always get caught! x) Thanks for visiting!
EliminarIt would be unethical to teach you such dark things u__u hahaha you must pay attention!! haha and ya sure....thanks for sharing!