Finally! FINALLY! I don't have to worry about school anymore, today I finished my last exam. I'll have to come to college for a other more week, but just to check out my grades and, be them as they may, for better or for worse, I can't do a single thing about them. I did what had to be done, and I can do so no more.
Bliss!I feel like it's been eons since I last had free time and was able to come here and tip some of my thoughts into the bloggy world. My head is so full, I think it would've been better to come here for a quick vent/refresh, but that sort of time was a luxury I couldn't afford. But here I am now. And it feels great!
Can you tell how incredibly relieved I feel? Ok I admit I'm very tired: my eyes burn from lack of sleep and I'm short of enthusiastic, not at all how I seem on print right now. But don't be mistaken. I am jumping up and down right now. Inside. My joy is an internal one, one of hope and peace.
No homework! No essays! No freakin' exams! And on the other hand, this is translated directly into more sleep, more time with my baby
and my babe (coff coff, my hubby), more time to blog, to sleep,to read for leisure, to visit friends and family, to
sleep... you get the picture.
As a matter of fact, I'm going to visit my grammy today and so'll my big bro so I'll get to see him too. I just love coming over to visit my old nest. It's so warm and cozy and comfy... I don't have to make any kind of effort at all to keep up a facade. And especially, since my gram and family over there don't see Belle Fille nor me on a regular basis, when we can come over it's like a longed for reunion.
There's no schedual, no program... if I want to sleep, I can do so without worry because I know Belle Fille is being oooed and fawned over at by at least two people. If I'm hungry there's good food available, and even the chance of going out for
taquitos. If I want or need a friendly ear, there are several well disposed.
No one is ever in a terrible hurry, no one ever
EVER gives off offense, no one yells... You know what, let me give you a tour of my grams' home while I'm at it. It's so nice, I feel peace already just thinking about it.
From the outside, it looks like a wee little house, and when you come in and take a quick glance you realize it really is a small house. But when you look again the dinner table is big and if you squeeze together you can fit
at least eight people comfortably. The living room is cozy and perfect for talking because there are no distractions like TV or stereo (those are upstairs) and there's a big window that takes up most of the wall so you don't feel cornered because you can see everything outside and it let's in large amounts of natural light to acentuate the pleasant tone of your conversation.
There's a single picture on the wall in the living room, impressionist, but moderate and completely intelligible. I think it's called "European Walk", and it's a single lane, or walk, lined on the left side by a couple of spaced vases with red and white, blowsy kind of flowers. The vases are on a thick, stone rail and beyond that, more to the left is a small pond with lilys and an old building in the back. To the right of the portrait is a garden, warm and green and inviting, with sunshine spilling out of the upmost leaves.
It's a little messy, a little wild, with leaves on the floor and swirling in the air. And a little lonely, a little secluded you know? If you ever needed time to yourself, or felt sad, or happy, or needed to be inspired, or reflect on a problem, or wanted to walk with that speacial someone, you would choose this walk. You can easily imagine Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy walking along here. And the lane goes on and on infinitely until the garden becomes a green blur and you can barely make out the vases with flowers but you know they're there, just out of your sight.
Hmmm... you know what, I can't do justice to my grams house without writting a lot more, but I don't have too much time on my hands, so I'm afraid I'll have to continue this post another time. It is well worth it.
Well, bye bye for now, and thanks for reading. I'll be back. Soon. And you know why? 'Cuz I'm on vacation!
Whoopee!!! ;)
PS: The pic that comes with this post is named Ophelia and the author is Arthur Hughes. It has nothing to do with my grammys' picture besides it being a picture as well. But I love it!