You know what I really feel like talking about? My beautiful baby. I have no idea what she looks like yet, nevertheless she's beautiful, I just know it. She's normally calm but last night she appeared to be bent on conquering new parts of my stomach, her home for now. She ended up right on my side, exactly where I support myself when I'm lying down, kicking most of the time. She made me roll over to my other side but suprise! She had somehow accommodated herself in such a way that she seemed to be on the x axis, thereby being able to reach both my sides. And how she kicked!
I suppose she wanted me to move to another position where she wouldn't kick against the bed and have more liberty to do so, but what was I suppose to do? Sleep face down? I don't think so. Also, from past experiences I've the impression that she doesn't like my lying down on my back (starts kicking more energetically, plus the doctor told me it's not too comfortable for her) so tell, what position would be appropiate?
When I first began to feel her moving inside of me it was the coolest thing. I don't really know how to describe it, as I suppose most mothers don't either. The closest I've ever gotten is comparing it to having some sort of bubbles inside of you, only thicker, and sometimes they explode near the surface. Nice huh? Anyway, as time began to pass and the baby to grow(in case you haven't noticed yet, it's a girl or at least that's what the doc said) she began to have this tendency to lean on my right side, next to my last rib. However, I suddenly began to experience some major kicking, totally unlike those before. So strong! I found out why thanks to this mom that told me the same thing had happend to her with her first child. See, babies with time choose a place in our tummies they particularly like and are prone to stay there for the whole pregnancy.
It can be anywhere, but when it's in the ribs as they take up more space they use the bone for support and in consecuence, their movements, specially the kicking can get really tough on the mother. Worse still if you didn't get the baby out of there when he or she was still small, because when they're bigger it can get really uncomfortable for them too.
So that was why my baby had abruptly decided to become a soccer player! I've been able to persuade her to move out of there to where she has more space, but at first she didn't want to be persuaded! She would dig in and simply refuse to move, even kick back at me! My usually placid baby had a mind of her own... and I just loved it! She demonstrated to be strong willed indeed, but reasonable as well, as she finally let herself be coaxed from her spot. She's still strongly inclined to that area, but I suppose that since she's bigger now and doesn't fit in that well, she deviates to my side. Alas that's why she was so persistent last night.
Oh well, it's all part of the package of being a mom, or a future mom at least. The bright spot of being uncomfortable is that I feel like I'm interacting with her. Kind of apache since our comunication consists of my pushing and her kicking back, but it's lovely still. Like I'm discovering her personality.
Simply stunning.
PD: That's me being pregnant, only that from a few months ago. I'm a lot bigger now.
I love the idea that you started a blog I think is a great idea and somehow I like to know how are you Nancy. Also, thanks for describing how it feels to have a baby I can somehow imagine it XD.
ResponderEliminarI wish the best and lots of blessings.
Thank you very much, I'm so glad you liked it! Writing has always helped me put things in perspective so I can take better decitions, and though it might appear a bit self absorbed I think other girls my age who are also expecting or in university could maybe feel identified. Things can get tough and feeling alone does not help at all.
ResponderEliminarNancy! Felicidades por tu blog :] Soy un fan del blogging pero no le ponia mucha atencion. Y felicidades por tu hija! Thanks for sharing :)
ResponderEliminarSounds like quite an adventure you're having haha :). Congrats on ur blogging skills and i think its wonderful that u want to share with everyone! its an honor haha :P take care !
ResponderEliminarMuchas gracias espero poder expresarme de tal manera que sea ameno y me puedan entender. Gracias por tomar de su tiempo para leer lo que escribo! :)
ResponderEliminarHello !! Bon, je suis hereusse pour toi parce que je lis que tu es très contente! quand m'écris? t'as mes numéros de tél. Et ma msn aussi ^^ je veux savoir plus de toi et de ta nouvelle vie ! :) Gros bisous!